Oct 23, 2010

wow, it's been a long time i havent done any post
well, october almost comes to an end .. ceped bnged yah...
gak kerasa jg g udh 1 bulan kuliah :( mid test is coming to town. oh nooo =s

hmm, i really dont know what to say, but ytd was a blast..
HAPPY BDAY yah gioo. thanks for yesterday =)
really really had fun last night... a night to be remembered .. gr" evan, steven, and axel. haha.. kasihann yanii ...

what else yahh.. i really dont know what to say..

well, somehow, somewhere, sometimes, isnt it nice when you someone who cares for you ?
someone who is always be there for me
someone who loves me for who I am now
someone who always makes fun of me but in the end you apologize
someone who supports me when I feel down.
someone who texts you everyday, and makes sure you're fine and happy.

someone, someone, and someone ...

sorry if I am being selfish sometimes, but in the end, i realize you really care for me...
Thank you :)

Oct 7, 2010

BONJOUR !! everyone, it's October nih. hehehe
first post isn't it ?

yooo, greetings from my room, jem 12 teng ! aaaa I gk bisa tidur =(
tidur siang or tepat ny sore, 4 jem bro ! dr jem 5 smpe 9 pm.. calon gk tidurr. pdhl besok kls smpe jem 5 soreeeee.. noonononon ~

nih hari parah gila .. BUSINESS MATHS 4 hourss straightt.. ya ampuun, otak gw gk seencer ituu.
apalagi gr" Frans ngajak ngobrol lg, jd ketinggalan smw, awas lu yee di kls. hehehe ... si tukang iPad dy.. pas IT bw iPad, g norak abis abis abiss =P peace ya bro

udh gitu, gk lm diganggu si frans, g monggo sbntr buook ke wc .. pas balik" entah gw ny yg ebgo, apa karena maths ssh, gw udh lost in the board men ! g dgn polos ny nnya fel : " Fel, chapter ny msh sm gk sh ? " hahahaha ~ haduuhhh.. malesin bnged MATHS !!

feeel like sleeping todayy.. haizz.. ngantuk bnged pas Maths, cmn p
as jem kee 3, full concentration, poni di roll up ! well ye
ah, g mrs lbh "pinter" ajee pas poni diangkat wakakak ~
ud gitu ad temen seperjuangan lg di kls, kevin alfredo. hohoh. sm" lg pilek kite ber 2..
g bw tissue 1 box, wew, "sroot srooot" udh berirama dhe g sm kevinn, sking prh pilek nya. iye gk vin ? =D

udh kyk toserba gw, tissue ad, charger ad, roll an pun jg ada. smpe td pas maths, gw bs turun dlu beli mkanan gila =_=" sking stress n laperr. untung dosen ny baeeeeekkk bnged.. jd bisa keluar masuk, makan seenak jidat kite.. hihihi.

anak" mk emg pd gokil lah kalo soal maths, 90% pd rajin smw >=) pstii ! pd sibuk coret sana sini, tp pd ngerti gk nih ngmng" ? g sih jujur, gk ngerti wakakakkaka ~ apalagi pas maths quiz kmren, ud kyk kebakaran jenggot gue, but in the end, ttp gk bisa dhe =( huhuhuuhuhuh
ssh habis mathhss.. pd eneq semua nyaaa..

ad bbrp anak major lain jg yg gokil abis, kocak" mrk, pd narciz hbs dan jg baek" psti nya. iya gk ? hehe.. tp gk ad yg bs ngalahin 01PBE dhe. hehehe pd narcizzzzzz smww, cpek nih upload poto" ny hehehe. tp besoq kita poto lg yeeee =P * winkkkks *