Dec 23, 2010

Happy Momma's Day


I wanna say and show you, how much I love you, even though we always argue almost everyday, but I know deep inside your heart, you really care for me. For me, everyday is mother's day, however every 22nd of December is the most special one. You nvr absent to be with me each day, and you shower me wif ur care, love, and sometimes, your nagging. But i know, what you do is for my own good, and I do appreciate it. thank you for being the best mom and I LOVE Youuu too much mumm =) Sorry for being a rebel sometimes, but you never give up to advise with your wisdom.

Nov 3, 2010

november's choppin'

Bonjour November-nizta. haha ~ time flies huh ?
a definite no-no for next week. why ? MID EXAM oh noo

Hello December, feels like wanna skip November

sooo. what's up??

feels happy nowadays, no matter what people said hhahaha.
i am just an ordinary girl; like me like youu..

nowadays, I wanna use time wisely. hell yeah SSTUDY! esp IT, the teacher is such a hell ! such an F* such a shitty-witty. he doesnt even know how to teach . DARN, me gonna flunk his test for sure.. Flutch !

done with the 5th chapter of Maths today and few infos about Marfun. gonna study hard for sure.. wish me luckk guys..

Oct 23, 2010

wow, it's been a long time i havent done any post
well, october almost comes to an end .. ceped bnged yah...
gak kerasa jg g udh 1 bulan kuliah :( mid test is coming to town. oh nooo =s

hmm, i really dont know what to say, but ytd was a blast..
HAPPY BDAY yah gioo. thanks for yesterday =)
really really had fun last night... a night to be remembered .. gr" evan, steven, and axel. haha.. kasihann yanii ...

what else yahh.. i really dont know what to say..

well, somehow, somewhere, sometimes, isnt it nice when you someone who cares for you ?
someone who is always be there for me
someone who loves me for who I am now
someone who always makes fun of me but in the end you apologize
someone who supports me when I feel down.
someone who texts you everyday, and makes sure you're fine and happy.

someone, someone, and someone ...

sorry if I am being selfish sometimes, but in the end, i realize you really care for me...
Thank you :)

Oct 7, 2010

BONJOUR !! everyone, it's October nih. hehehe
first post isn't it ?

yooo, greetings from my room, jem 12 teng ! aaaa I gk bisa tidur =(
tidur siang or tepat ny sore, 4 jem bro ! dr jem 5 smpe 9 pm.. calon gk tidurr. pdhl besok kls smpe jem 5 soreeeee.. noonononon ~

nih hari parah gila .. BUSINESS MATHS 4 hourss straightt.. ya ampuun, otak gw gk seencer ituu.
apalagi gr" Frans ngajak ngobrol lg, jd ketinggalan smw, awas lu yee di kls. hehehe ... si tukang iPad dy.. pas IT bw iPad, g norak abis abis abiss =P peace ya bro

udh gitu, gk lm diganggu si frans, g monggo sbntr buook ke wc .. pas balik" entah gw ny yg ebgo, apa karena maths ssh, gw udh lost in the board men ! g dgn polos ny nnya fel : " Fel, chapter ny msh sm gk sh ? " hahahaha ~ haduuhhh.. malesin bnged MATHS !!

feeel like sleeping todayy.. haizz.. ngantuk bnged pas Maths, cmn p
as jem kee 3, full concentration, poni di roll up ! well ye
ah, g mrs lbh "pinter" ajee pas poni diangkat wakakak ~
ud gitu ad temen seperjuangan lg di kls, kevin alfredo. hohoh. sm" lg pilek kite ber 2..
g bw tissue 1 box, wew, "sroot srooot" udh berirama dhe g sm kevinn, sking prh pilek nya. iye gk vin ? =D

udh kyk toserba gw, tissue ad, charger ad, roll an pun jg ada. smpe td pas maths, gw bs turun dlu beli mkanan gila =_=" sking stress n laperr. untung dosen ny baeeeeekkk bnged.. jd bisa keluar masuk, makan seenak jidat kite.. hihihi.

anak" mk emg pd gokil lah kalo soal maths, 90% pd rajin smw >=) pstii ! pd sibuk coret sana sini, tp pd ngerti gk nih ngmng" ? g sih jujur, gk ngerti wakakakkaka ~ apalagi pas maths quiz kmren, ud kyk kebakaran jenggot gue, but in the end, ttp gk bisa dhe =( huhuhuuhuhuh
ssh habis mathhss.. pd eneq semua nyaaa..

ad bbrp anak major lain jg yg gokil abis, kocak" mrk, pd narciz hbs dan jg baek" psti nya. iya gk ? hehe.. tp gk ad yg bs ngalahin 01PBE dhe. hehehe pd narcizzzzzz smww, cpek nih upload poto" ny hehehe. tp besoq kita poto lg yeeee =P * winkkkks *

Sep 25, 2010


every sibling, for sure, there'll be a conflict, problem, and ' cek-cok '. however, the best part is we're one blood, one soul, and one equally family. even tho' our ages are different, but no matter where we are, we are still connected with each other. we live in one roof, one house, and also sharing rooms, although each one of us is given a room for oneself. still, we laugh, tell stories, and sleep together in that one room, which is my room =D

this blog might be short, but I just wanna say I love you my sisters. I do really really love both of you. I'm sorry if I fail as your biggest sister, I'm sorry if i always nag, scold you, but then, i do that because I LOVE YOU so =) one day, if I'm leaving, I will gonna miss you guys so muchh..
I promise that I'll be the best sister that you guys ever have ! heheh..
I might be talkative, but big sis will always be there to give advice. okay ?

Sep 15, 2010

future plan

Who will I be ? it's up to me. All the never ending possibilities ...

have you ever heard this line before ? does this sound vertrouwd to you ?

what am I gonna do when I grow up? gosh, nvr realize that this time will come ! time flies, everyone's growing up even i do too. then when the tim
e arrives, meet Mr. Right, and gets married. this can happen anytime of the years. but slowly, the worries will fade away ...

Question: who am I ?
Answer: I'm just a teenage girl having her life like other normal teenagers, and indeed I still have the thoughts of worrying boud my future. it's a good start tho` i plan what I wanna do. but I just can't blurt it out, coze I nvr know what will happen next =)

excuseer me, dit ben ik =)

BUT.. being a woman is my fate cause I was born to be one. I just wanna have a happy life which family and work are my 2 top priorities, and spend the rest of my life with my loving future next-to-be husband and kids, mom,dad, and sisters. it might sound weird talking bout the future, however, your time will arrive soon.

in a flash of lightning, this idea came across my mind. Dank je harsenen !
so, as a matter of fact, " WHO WILL I BE ? " is still a mystery. I dont know .. You dont know, but let's see in the future ;)

Adios, dames en heren
xo xo xo
I get to make the future what I want to be
If I can make up any one and know the choice is up to me
Who will I be ?

Sep 10, 2010


Selamat Hari Raya for those who are celebrating it =)
just wanna say, i'm sorry body and soul, for what i've done ^^ and dui bu qi sheng ti qian kang ( ajaran ny si cindy hahahaha )

since it's the second day of Hari Raya, let's talk about fooooood !
yeahh, foooood ;) everyone's favourite.. who could ever resist food ?


siapa sih yg gak tahu ES PODENG ? jajanan pinggir jalan pling enak kalo saya bilang
lokasi ny di perumahan taman palem, dekat dengan rumah makan Rasane.
es ny enak lembut dan isi ny unik, dikasih Durian. biasa nya kan pake roti, alpukat, dll.
tp kata mas nya: Alpukat ny habis neng, jd pake duren aj yee.
hahaha.. lucu sih, tp enak sihh.. tp blng duren ny dikid aj
soal nya bakalan enek nnti ..
boleh sihh buat habis makan siang, sebagai pemanis =)


wuihhh, enak bnget gan ! bumbu ny meresap sampai ke kepiting nya
DELICIOUS ! yeah, bumbu nya kyk ny pake serundeng kelapa gitu
jd agak manis" asinn, cocok buat makan nasi + kangkung ny.
ini di resto Rasane di palem, yh lumayan bru tempat nya.
tp ttp sm kok kyk yg di greenville or greengarden, lupa
and yg new opening di gading. hihih
tips nih, pesen minuman nama nya lychee kelapa.. :) enak dhe..
dan kalo mau, pesen kepiting yg IRIAN JUMBO. biar puas makannya
nyokap g saja sampe habis gileee. saya mah gak kuat .. hehehe


Tony Romas tuh udah lama jg yah temapt nya
tp ttp masih bnyk peminatny, dari kalangan muda sampai tua
dan ini Tony Romas baru yg di gedung ANZ, sebelaah hotel Kempinski
dr luar sih tempat ny bagus, tpii ....
tempat parkir ny enggak bnged dheee
Resto ny pasti classy donk ;) dan lbh enak drpada di Senayan tempat nya kalo menurut g
hehehe.. so ini baby back ribs yf FAMOUS bnged.
cmn g gk suka, g gk suka pork soal nya. jd i pesen BBQ chicken dhe
enak jg kok ^^

So, when people asked me: Vivi kemana nih hari ? Gak pegi ?
jawaban nya simple kok: Pergi dan MAKAN =D hahaha
pokoknya, as long as my dad di rumah yah, tiap hari pasti kulinerr teruss..
aiihhhh, berat badan naik dhe langsung. My Goshh ! =(

Sep 7, 2010

no judul ;)

2 weeks left to my new college life .. YAY ! got my schedules yesterday and from what I saw, every Wednesday is a blast ! yeah, no class on Wed, so it's a holiday ;)
however, my schedules kinda jammed ! every monday and friday, I will go home at 5 pm :(
I planned to have a part time job, but it was kinda possible due to this
will find a way to handle it :) or maybe i could do other things that s
uit my schedule.

take a sneek peek boud my university friends :)

so these are us, the marketings. the girl in white and below is ME
and beside is Stella, a girl with her high voice,
a good singer
on top, on the left, is Ivana, the Bali girL :)
and in the middle, the big guy, is Kris, our "tukang pij
it keliling" ^^
and on the right is Michelle, my partner in entrance test ..

and some more. it's ME again right in the middle and Ravena on my right bottom
and Michelle again on the left bottom.
at the top, it's caroline, a smart girL who just had her bday few days ago
love you oline ;)
and Heidi, a cute little girl, very soft-hearted person, nice and friendly :)

I havent taken pics with the rest of the guys, masih tahu malu waktu itu. haha. just kidding
the marketings are indeed talkative, that's why we can get along in an instant.
no doubt if one day, we can be a good marketer, hopefully ! Thanks to GOD, Amen..

but, some of the people will not be in the same class as mine :( and different schedules as well..
we still can catch up during the breaks or the weekends anyway. hihihi

and not to forget CINDY KIMAN !!! my bainyek, the accountant. hiihihi.. gonna meet her like almost everyday, GOSH ! cindy lagi cindy lagi :P cndaa yah booo..
me and her have the same schedule on monday, 7.30 till 5 pm ..
special notes for you: ayam kremes, warteg ferani, ca
rlos de hut, bibliotheque, and many more food-ism :D | mark this line if you happen to read *wink*

my new aib ! haha like what I promised before
this was a pic taken in front of XXI
with my blue pyjamas.
how do i look ? like a total weirdo =3
messy hair, pyjamas, and red crocs !
it's for my orientation tho` ^^

Sep 3, 2010

WILLY's blast

Dedicated this specially to


happy birthday yah liung, cepetan balik lu ;)
hehehe.. wish you all the best, udh 17 taon
tambah dewasa, gak nyebelin, gak rese lagi
tambah baek sama saya, and many more ...

good luck in whatever you do
I always support you koq ;)
thank you for being a good friend of mine,
yang udah baek sama aye.
sorry kalo g udh jahat sama lu
take it as a revenge aja dhe

sama one more thing, jangan lupa my oleh" ya
you know what i mean dude !! =D
thanks for reminding me to love God
and your advices really meaningfuL
you're the best guy friend that I've ever had
I do appreciate it, really

ok then, have fun yah out there,
You're not here for your 17th
tp pas balik, siap" dhe lu

P.S: jangan suka gossip" mulu ye =P

Sep 1, 2010

binusian !

yeah, g officially binusian sekarang ;) it was fun, during welcoming days, briefing days,, and outbond juga ! sorry ya, mix mix bahasa, make varieties dkid sekali sekali

haha, semua ny seru dhe. meeting new guys, new friendships, new gossips, dan banyak hal lg dhe. kenal sama senior" jg.. many things have happened during those days
g ketemu beberapa org menarik ! kyk chris, kennny, welli, caroline, heidi, ivana, michelle, felicia, heidi, stevan, windy dannn masih bnyk lg.. kalo ditulis, gk habis" *lebay*

SERU ! the only word yg bisa g ucapin. jd gini nih, g kenal sama kenny and welli tuh pas sehari sebelum outbond dan berarti lusa kemarin. Kenny mirip bnged sm jaychou, *ngefans* saya sama dy, pas lihat, sreeeet, jaychou looks. welcomed kenny ! ahaha. jd g kenalan sama dy pas lg duduk nunggu dimulai, exhange bb pin dan jg facebook, dan pas pulang ngobrol" smbil pegi breng beli barang buat besok, sama kembaranny, kevin. kalo welli, jg sm kenal pas dan tmbh dked pas ytd's outbond. jd semua ny kenaalan tnpa malu" yee, muka ud kyk aspal cmpur semen ditambah aspal lg, tebeeeelll bnged !!!

kalo chris, tukang pijit MK 02 !!!!!! sumpah, enak bnged dipijit sama dy, sampe semua nya ketagihan. hahahah ~ tukang pijit keliling dy pas outbond.
kalo cewe", caroline michle ivana heidi felici vininta, sdh kenal pas hri eprtama briefing day ;) jd makin lama makin akrab dhe, love you guys !

yg lucu nih yah, duo windy sama stevan. g bru kenal windy pas di outbond dan g bru tahu klo dy sbnerny 1 major dan 1 kelas sm g. yg lucu nya, windy tuh COWO. dan selama ini g kira dy tuh cewe.. jd kalo pagi dy namanya william andy dan mlm ny windy. hahaha, pas di kemping, the msot kocaks one, dy ditaruh ke tenda yg isi ny cewe" semua, gr" namanya WINDY. so harsh eh ?
hahahahahahahahaha, g smpe ngakak to the max di lapangan kemaren gr" windy
kalo stevan, ini anak agak dodol". beda amjor sih sm g tp asik kok, tetep coooL yh pan ! hahaha, kocak dhe, mrip si windy, tmpng memelas. =P cndaa pan ! lama" hopengan sm si windy nih, wakakak, kumpul kebo. epann epaann.

msh bnyk cool and kocak stories dhe.. pokokny lucu, seru dan asik bnged..
apalagi anak" Mk02 dan 01 nya :D moga" pd sekelas yh nnti.


How the time passed away, all the troubles that I gave.
have those all gone to waste? All the promises we made,
one by one they vanish just the same.
Of all the things I still remember, summer's never looked the same.
The years go by and time just seems to fly, but the memories remain.
It's the first of September today and it's a start of something new.
Autumn has come and leaves are falling down
In the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain
nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the end

I knew I had to leave this town
but we never knew when I never knew how,,
We would end up here the way we are..

it's the beginning of September, and the year almost come to the end
nothing's gonna change until what I expect
and that's when I'm falling in LOVE with Y.O.U

Aug 22, 2010

it's been weeeks that i've posted my last blog ;) well, due to my trips to china for 12 days, it was super HUMID outta there, wif 40 degrees mr.C, who could ever stand with that kind of weather ?
err, well, maybe some of us, especially ME , a person like myself, nvr ever like summer =_=
ask all my frenz : Does Vivi like hot weather ? is she a winter-type of person ? oh yeah the answer to my quest is ... I'm "allergic" to hot weather . *winks winks*

anw, i'm gonna review about china other time.
so now, i'm a lil bit busy wif my univ's preps. hmm. such a traffic schedule, and I'm gonna be a college student AT LAST !!!! wohoooo ~

but, I dont MIND if people MOCK at me about my happiness of going to college !! hell, screw 'em up. I know I've been mocked for other things, and so what ?!?!?! they dont know what I've GONE THROUGH, my SACRIFICES, and they couldnt judge me like that ! okey, mocks me more, and get tired of that .. screw ! I bet how long would it take to distract me up ..

I've changed recently, and I admit. but this is what I called going through MATURITY. i could be fun and crazy, but I could be the other way round, serious and wise. even, someone has said, that I'm more matured nowadays, from the way I behave, talk, and thoughts. thanks to you friend ;)

I'm now the I-don't-care that type of girl, besides, I'm 18, and I could choose what's good for me . and I think this is my New me and I'm pretty comfortable with this. I keep distance to some people, well, not mentioning names here, just for those who REALIZE ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ..
I'm evil, I'm crucial, and I'm just normaL. I'm more sensitive now and I also think before I speak. think moreeeee than anyonecould ever imagine ..

People change, they really really change, but what's the catch for me ? nothing| friends change, sooo ?? hahaha .. I used to be a lil busybody last time, but now, if I asked, who's it ? and noone tells me, I dont mind, I really super dont mind. I will just give a smile, and shut the F*** Up ! if you wanna tell me, fine, I'll listen, and give better words and advices. but if it's your privacy, I'd rather not knowing any further, no catch for me man, hellow ?!?!?

it's like my life has changed, and new world is coming, new friends, new environment, and I dont wanna repeat the past. Like now, I could trust noone, well except for my family and 4 other people. others, I dont know and I dont wanna know .. a big pop-up of different lifestyle also and hoping that my new college friends are nice and fun.

wahh wahh, if I continue writing, hmmmm, I dont know how long it will take to explain from the starts, and i also donw wanna offend people, it's not goooood ;)

by the way, I'm gonna take a pic wif my pyjamas in front of XXI Cinema, it's for my orientation day and TA would be a great place to shame on me =D

gonna post the pict when I'm done ;)

Aug 4, 2010

no judul ;P

Heys y'all ! =3 greetings .. Bonjour.. I'll be leaving Indo within 24 hours ! wohooo
where am I going ? C.H.I.N.A the country of Chinese ( of course -.-" )
soo, I might be off from the world of blogging and enjoy my another 2 weeks of vacations out there
before, I went to s'pore with my friends, and ended up there for one week ..
however, this time, I'll be going with my smallest sister and mother, as my sister is joining the Skate Asia 2010, glory to you sis ! and bring back lots and lots of Gold medal =D

wew.. kinda losing my energetic moments nowadays, I've been very effing pissed mostly for these few days, and kinda easy to lose my emotions. ANGER ! I've been very mad, lunatic, and a sudden stressed. =( many un-happy moments are happening lately, and I F***ing HATE THAT !

I've now become a very different person, and turned into a new leaf. I'm 18 and it's time for me to be more matured ! well, i can be crazy sometimes, but not mostly.. hmm, even now I realize there are lots of changes inside me, but I dont care what peeps will be talking behind or even in front of me .. I just dont wanna care. so what ?!?!? do i know you ? do you know me ? nahhh..

I've been interested with =3 ... heheehhe, just interested, but I dont know him =X
sooo far away and he's busy ! I'm not a freak, okey ? It's just my nothing-to-do-with business =3
why the good ones are always taken anyway ?? boys are just a COMMON DENOMINATOR !
they just can't fix this compass of heart. what a whoooppp. but this guy, is awesome. I don't really know much bout him, I think ! hahaha =3 .. oh well, remember ! JUST MY NOTHING-TO-DO-WITH BUSINESS ...

sooo, here I bid goodbye, and I'll be back, maybeee.. tomorrow, before going to CHINA.
zaiii jiaaann !

P.S : I MISS THOMASSSS !!!!! rmbr ? my dutch-ey blonde-y friendy .. suddenly miss him so much =( miss talking with youu dear T__T

Jul 27, 2010


LOOK! whose bday is it ?? and the cake looks delicious
with fat red strawberry, who could ever resist ??

Is it a surprise for me guys ? awww, so sweeet ..
the preps and busy bits before ...

YELLOW ! is it my bday ? the cake looks soo
Mouth-Watering =D

wanna try some ? ;)

With Andrei, hmm, looks like I'm the bday Girl, aren't I ?
scroll down for more downtown pics

Keep on scrolling :)
haven't I told you that it's not my b'day ?
=__= "

This is Vanny, talking to a dummy dog.
Double_Oh-MY ! it's a decoration only
and from the pic, we can see that she's ... ??

Oh my.. agaiinn ! with her "memelas" face
talking to the dummy doggy.
wake up girl ! it's not even a dog, Yet !

and, hmmm, these two are so called the..
narcissm ? or the cake muncher


peace je, peace bo ^^

I'd have no idea why is she laughing @ moii \
* big grin * am I that funny ming ? =P

and F.Y.I , the big guy beside me,
is not that big in reality


Okie dokes Folks. Soo, this is the bday BOY =D
Bio: Hendry Buntara aka YungYung
17 y.o
Single :D


wooooot ~

YungYung and hiss hmmm ... =S
the so-called BodyGuards

Andrei . Yung . HaeL

YungYung and his buddies =)
left to right: Vanny, Cindy, Yung, Me, Jeanice

This is me, with YungYung.
from the look on his face, pretty sure that
he's ready to eat the cake ^^

Alright all, this is how they forbid goodbye :D
a sneer cheer on their faces with some


Jul 26, 2010


" COULD YOU PLEASE TURN DOWN THE VOLUME ?? " that's what my sister had said when she entered my room yesterday. HAHA ! I set the volume of my speakers to FULL and I sang like there's no tomorrow .. well, the song aint any melodramatic genre, but the hiphop, pop rock kind of music, and I could feel the vibrate on my desk :P . no wonder my sis was sooo mad at me, sorry Vina :D

TodAY's Yungyung's birthday. Happy birthday yah yung, moga" tmbh sukses :D hehe, good luck in ur studies too and God Bless You !

Yeaayy ! I' m much much much closer to my dreaams now and univ life is starting in 2 months :)
hope I can meet new and good friends, and also I hope I could excel in studies and more serious and efforts to be put than in high school's time. New life, new friends, new surroundings, new adaptations, hopefully I will graduate faster than expected and strive my goals =)
Achieve what I wanna achieve, and I think I'm turning into a new leaf now.. Someone said that I'm more matured now than before and it's a good compliment tho`. thanks to you, my friend

and also I wanna thank someone for supporting me through thick or thin :) you're such a good friend, you really are ! I never doubt that, buddy :D

just like a dynamite, I'm gonna spark my light and hit the dance floor whenever I like. I could be craZy sometimes, but that's not my intentions. I could fly throughout the game, but tomorrow I couldnt be blamed for doing that. I just can't be tamed, but I could be changed. Now I tell ya, I dont wanna be a part of something that i don't know =) *

Jul 25, 2010

no judul ;P

HEYS ALL ! haha, it's beeeeenn soooooo " centuries " that I havent done any blogging.
first, have been very busy with Singapore's trips.
second, my cousin's marriage. Love you cousin :) and have a happy year of full-time marriage :D
and now it's the right time to do blogging ...

teehee` 25 th of July ! YANI's bdayy. happy birthday to you and wish you all the best and GBU
hope you'll become much better person in your 16th girL. wish you luck and have a merry berry bday !

many things have happened lately, but I kinda facing it quite gently .. hmmm, people do make mistakes sometimes, YAWWW ! loving to say YAWWW nowadays, thanks to dad !
I've learned that in the future we have to choose what's important to us, not frankly speaking, I'm moving on. I learn to be a better person, more solemnly, can be annoying sometimes, but less-er than before. I'm tougher and stronger facing all the problems that I'm encountering.

From that, I realize, people are different in thinkings when they get older. Different atmosphere affects all the aspects of life. They can be more sentimental, melancholy, or agressive towards solutions. these 3 types of aspects change our lives everyday. However, it depends upon who's facing and experiencing. Coze these 3 WILL come to our life sooner or later, without us realizing..

You change, I change, everyone's changing .. but slowly, someone will grow apart.. we have tp let go this kind of situations. I'm not pretending, faking, or lying, but this is the truth. Isnt this like some kind of mystery ? that people wont know, solve or realize ? LOOK ! at how fast the time has FLOWN . TIK TOK TIK TOK. i can hear it tikking every second and i know it will always tick even tho` I am the last one left on earth .... & the suffer will nvr end.

Jun 30, 2010

World Cup 2010

HEY ALL ! hahaha sorryyy, I've been very very sick last weeek :( so couldnt review anynews bout matches :(
sooo, maaaybe I dont reaally have to review about the scores, but ytd's game, SPAIN vs PORTUGAL was reaaly reaaly very tense-y. but too bad for Portugal, they lost. GLORY TO SPAIN ! david villa, uhuuuyy...

anw, to OBEWACKZ, my beloved best friends are coming back to J*TOWN ! ;) Vinnie Vanny Henry ( HAEL ) and Hendry ( YUNG" )
okey, HAEL and YUNG" really surprised me todaayy and they came back without even telling us, the INDOs ... They were like Santa Claus, with early Christmas gifts, hehe, they sent chocolates to my house in the late afternoon then continued their trips to Cindy's house.
Hael was a total joker, not a minute I saw him, I was laughing constantly, continously and I just cant stop giggling all afternoon. WHY ?!??!? hmm, his "NEW" hair was a disaster, ahahha like ccinko" for our terms. middle-cut bangs.. * too bad can't post any pics * hahaha. just kidding haeeL ! Frankly speaking, I can't recognize him ! When i went outside my house, I greeted YUng" and asked him: " Where is Hael ? " the Hael said : " Woy ! this is me !! " at first, I thought he was one of my school friends, but at second glance, yeps, it's Hael ! =P

P.S: not only me who didnt recognize him, Cindy too ! But what's for worse ? His own Mother didnt even recognize him ! hahahahahaha, pity pity pity =P

Jun 21, 2010

World Cup 2010


SPAIN vs HONDURAS -- 2 - 0

is the right word to praise PortugaL vs North Korea match .. Didn't see it ? well, you'll regret it ! It has beeen the most most most fascinating, interesting, and wonderful games that I've watched so far, ( after I saaw Argentina playing against South Korea, 4 - 1 ). GLORY TO PORTUGAL, as the scores were 7 - 0 ( the new record of FIFA 2010, the previous one was 4 ) .. I bet the Portugese had been sleeping sound and safe ytd.. Yeah, this is the 'PORTUGAL' that I know, fast, strong, tough and tackle the opponents like there's no tom?orrow ;) wohoooo.. The Portugese coach seemed very very happy and satisfied, well who didn't ..

North Korea had done good efforts tho`. Even if they didnt win, but they really had done their best =) and actually by duelling with PortugaL, wasn't the right level for them. Portugal is one of the best soccer teams around the world, that includes, BraziL, Spain, France, Argentine. North Korea is just 2 or 3 stars below their levels. That's so harsh, wasn't it ?

BIG APPLAUSES FOR PORTUGAL ! I do admit their victory ;)

just can't wait to watch PORTUGAL vs BRAZIL, both teams are tough, strong, confident, and have the "victory" promises. So, who's gonna win ?

Stay tune on 25th of June 2010 !

Jun 20, 2010

World Cup 2010

Latest Scores:

Netherlands vs Japan -- 1 - 0

Ghana vs Australia -- 1 - 1
Cameroon vs Denmark -- 1 - 2
Slovakia vs Paraguay -- 0 - 2
Italy vs New Zealand -- 1 - 1
BraziL vs Cote D' Ivoire -- 3 - 1

Hey all bloggers ! It's 3.30 am ( Indo's local time ) right now, and just finished watching BraziL vs C'ote D' Ivore. Amazing game ended up as a result of 3 - 1, and Brazil is leading =D. First goal was made by the number 9, Luis Fabiano, with the help of passing from Kaka, and yeah, the first goal was made then ! HaiL to Luis and Kaka. Louis has scored 2 goals for Brazil today, and he's probaby the top scorer of today's match ! he's a striking striker who strikes the Brazilian's heart as I could see all of them were cheering for victory ^^. The third score, was scored by Elano ( 7) . He has achieved 2 scores for 2 matches. The next new rising star ...


During the first half, the game went on pretty well and soothing. However, the second half time, the field was probably filled with uncontrolled emotions from both nations, especially the Brazilian famous player, KAKA. WHAT ?!? the referee was soo totally unfair ( from my point of view ), he was given the d**n red card !!! I was like, " HEYS ! that wasn't on purpose okay ? He was just raising up his right hand, the unlucky Ivorian player hit on his face ! " At first he got his FIRST YELLOW CARD, for being too emotionaL ( that was accepted ), however, the second yellow card, happened to be a red card tho`, was totally NOT ACCEPTED! While he was given the red card, Kaka just walked off the field.. It's okay Kaka, you're playing really good today, very very very good :) . But too bad, due to the bloody red card, he wouldnt be playing during Brazil vs PortugaL -.-" on 25 June !!!!

On the other hand, Didier Drogba succeeded to make a goal for his team !

One more thing, there was a controvertional problem during the game, Luis seemeed to control the ball using his upper arm, but luckily, that was solved, and Brazil really deserved to WIN, in a replacement of lossing KAKA for the next game.

okay, I guess I am done here, and I am off toooo sleeep .. it's almost 4 a.m already, CIAO ;)

p.s: Referee, please, just be fair -.-" > Brazilian just can't lose its best best player =( . But the best thing is, at least, Kaka has played for more than 75 mins today, normally, he'll be replaced after 75 0r 78 minutes, but today, due to his excellence of playing, Coach Dugan didnt replace KAKA with other player coze KAKA has been pretty satisfying today, BUT HE WAS BEING KICKED OFF by refereeee -.- !!! urrgghhh ....

Jun 18, 2010

World Cup 2010

Latest scores :

Slovenia vs United States -- 2 -2

England vs Algeria -- 0 -0

For those who watched last night's match, US vs Slovenia, must have been fascinated with both countries' plays. hmmm, who would of thought that the match ended up as a result of draw for both countries ? Actually, the US team could have 3 scores, however, that was't counted due to 0ff-side. Too bad tho`, but the game was kinda fun this time and fascinating.

For the third match, England vs Algeria, it ended as draw too ! What happened to the England squads ? Algeria was pretty defensive last nite and the players were equally tough, compared to England. even tho England teams have better skills and quality..
Frank Lampard almost scored the goal, but the Algerian keeper managed to catch his super massive kick... WOW! haha..

I could say that I was pretty good of staying late at night and lacking of sleep for the past few days o_O . Why must the game started at 1.30 am ( Indo's local time ) ??? :( :( hahaha, well I dont really mind at all, cause I'm FIFA FREAK ! hahaa `

Just can't wait for Brazil on SUnday ! KAKA RICARDO, i love youuu :D

World Cup 2010

Latest scores:

* Argentina vs Korea Republic -- 4 -1

Greece vs Nigeria -- 2 -1

France vs Mexico -- 0 -2

Germany vs Serbia -- 0 -1

Salam olahraga bloggers ;) kali ini saya akan me-review dengan Bahasa. Okey, seperti yang sudah kita lihat, aksi kehebatan, Gonzalo Higuain, dr negeri Argentina itu , yang telah mencetak goal sebanyak 3. Pertandingan berakhir gn skor 4-1, dimana Argentina memimpin saat itu. goal pertama dikarenakan oleh kesalahan salah satu pemain Korea Selatan, yg telah menendang bola ke gawang sendiri ! Namun, mereka dapet membales kekalahan nya dgn mencetak goal ke gwang Argen. tetapi, para pemain Argen tidak akan diam diri saja, dan terjadilah skor lagi oleh Higuain, TIGA KALI BERTURUT-TURUT. hmmm, pemain berumur 22 tahun ini sudah menjadi bintang, dengan sepak terjang nya kemaren. Higuain telah menunjukkan bahwa dia pun bisa membawa Argentina ke babak 16 besar. Lain hal ny dgn Messi, yang blom mencetak goal sejauh ini.. apakah dia pun bs menandingi rekanny, Higuain? Just don't mess with Messi ;)

Gonzalo Higuain, young talented, handsome Argentine player.

will he be the next " The Best Player of the Month of FIFA 2010 " ?

Namun, lain hal ny dengan kondisi negara German hari ini, dimana mereka melawan Szerbia. Dengan tidak ada nya pemain unggulan mereka, Ballack, kondisi mereka sangat lah genting.. Tidak hanya itu saja, Klose telah diberikan RED CARD oleh wasit. Sungguh disesalkan saaat itu ! Dengan pemain yg bersisa 10 org, sungguh sulit mengendalikan pemain" Szerbia.. Podolski pun telah gagal mencetak goal, yg sebenarnya sungguh disayangkan, karena berkali" tendangan ny tidak masuk dan mengenai tiang. Dan sewaktu Podolski kena penalty kick, bola berhasil ditangkap oleh keeper dr Szerbia .. mampukah para pemain" German membawa negara mereka ke babak semi-final ? Just stay tune :D

p.s : CINDY pasti ngakak" dengan bahasa indonesia ny gua :P